
The commis module aggregates Commis' most used comonents into a single namespace for convenience. You can of course also access everything via their actual submodules. However, for the most part, submodules are just code organizational guidelines.


The following tables outline a rough sketch of the components involved in Commis. Use this guide to plan development or to find tools that are not explicitly referenced in the documentation.


The color module wraps colorama to provide cross-platform colored terminal text. While not strictly necessary, we have decided to integrate it into commis to set this CLI library apart from others. Plus we routinely integrate colors into our console utilities.

Component Description
colorize Implements string formatting and colors the string with specified ANSI color.
format Alias for colorize. Expected usage is to import the color module (color.format)
BLACK/LIGHT_BLACK Alias for colorama.Fore.BLACK and colorama.Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX
RED/LIGHT_RED Alias for colorama.Fore.RED and colorama.Fore.LIGHTRED_EX
GREEN/LIGHT_GREEN Alias for colorama.Fore.GREEN and colorama.Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX
YELLOW/LIGHT_YELLOW Alias for colorama.Fore.YELLOW and colorama.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX
BLUE/LIGHT_BLUE Alias for colorama.Fore.BLUE and colorama.Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX
MAGENTA/LIGHT_MAGENTA Alias for colorama.Fore.MAGENTA and colorama.Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX
CYAN/LIGHT_CYAN Alias for colorama.Fore.CYAN and colorama.Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX
WHITE/LIGHT_WHITE Alias for colorama.Fore.WHITE and colorama.Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX
RESET Alias for colorama.Fore.RESET


The command module contains the default parsing and command behavior. Command subclasses are the primary interface for using Commis.

Component Description
DefaultParser Provides default arguments to all commands (like --traceback)
Command Provides the base functionality for all commands in a console utility.


Provides an exception hierarchy for capturing Commis-related errors, or so that users can raise them to handle different execution environments.

Component Description
ConsoleError Base exception for exceptions that should be raised on the command line.


Provides specialized iterator commands, where the same function is applied to a list of arguments (labels). This was inspired by Django's LabelCommand.

Component Description
LabelCommand A command which takes on or more arbitrary labels and does something with each of them.


Implements the complete console utility. Programs and utilities defined in this module are subclassed and given specific commands. They can then easily be loaded and executed in a small Python script.

Component Description
handle_default_args Include handling of any default arguments that all commands should implement.
ConsoleProgram The base program from which all console commands are executed.


The version module handles meta information about the package. It must be in its own separate file thanks to the packaging methodology found in The version is bumped on each new release.

Component Description
get_version Computes a string representation of the version from __version_info__.